Our Work

ALLIES fulfills its mission of supporting English-learner adults in achieving success in their educations, careers and communities by focusing on 4 program areas:


1. Immigrant Integration

Adult English as a Second Language (ESL) programs and immigrant integration go hand in hand. Highlighting adult education’s central role of integrating new Americans into their communities is a key priority for ALLIES.  Now more than ever, we need to invest in a strong, connected network of providers serving our growing immigrant population.


2. ESL Provider Network (EPN)

The EPN is a twice yearly convening of ESL providers in Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties.  It is a unique venue for ESL practitioners from community colleges, adult schools and community based organizations serving adult English Learners to make connections, share promising practices and successes, get policy updates and stay connected with ALLIES.


3. Policy Advocacy

ALLIES seeks to inform and influence policy through both direct advocacy and the demonstration of best practices intended to influence policy reforms.  


4. Workforce Development

ALLIES supports initiatives aimed at maximizing the contributions of adult English Language Learners (ELLs) to the regional economy.

The 2012-2015 Silicon Valley ALLIES initiative (SV ALLIES) was one of 26 Workforce Innovation Fund grants in the nation and the only one to focus on English Language Learners. This major workforce development initiative helped ELL adults to attain and succeed in family-sustaining careers and is considered a model for effective collaboration between workforce development boards and adult education providers.